Sheryl Lee Ralph Won’t Give Up (And Neither Should You)  
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Dr. Yaro Fong-Olivares

2025 Speaker

Learning Stage

YARO FONG-OLIVARES, she/her, M.S. – is an Afro-Caribbean and Chinese immigrant from the island of Quisqueya and Ayiti (now known as the Dominican Republic and Haiti), Washington Heights, and now living in Massachusetts. Her most salient identity is as a priest of Yemaya in the Lucumi spiritual tradition. She serves as executive director of Gloria Cordes Larson Center for Women and Business at Bentley University, an organization dedicated to advancing intersectional gender equity from the classroom to the boardroom. As an organizational development leader focusing on racial justice, equity, and inclusion, she has developed and delivered programs worldwide that focus on advancing an intersectional equity-centered approach to complex, often covert workplace dynamics. Fong-Olivares is also an organizational and leadership psychology PsyD candidate at William James College; she has an MS in organizational change management from the Milano School of Management at The New School; and a BA Sociology, Barnard College, Columbia University.

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